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- Architecture: the Subject Is Matter (2014, E-book) PDF, EPUB, DOC


The aim of this book is to expand the subject and matter of architecture, and to explore their interdependence. There are now many architectures. This book acknowledges architecture far beyond the familiar boundaries of the discipline and reassesses the object at its centre: the building. Architectural matter is not always physical or building fabric. It is whatever architecture is made of, whether words, bricks, blood cells, sounds or pixels. The fifteen chapters are divided into three sections - on buildings, spaces and bodies - which each deal with a particular understanding of architecture and architectural matter. The richness and diversity of subjects and materials discussed in this book locates architecture firmly in the world as a whole, not just the domain of architects. In stating that architecture is far more than the work of architects, this book aims not to deny the importance of architects in the production of architecture but to see their role in more balanced terms and to acknowledge other architectural producers. Architecture can, for example, be found in the incisions of a surgeon, the instructions of a choreographer or the movements of a user. Architecture can be made of anything and by anyone.

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Want to track CPU utilization from 50,000 hosts every ten seconds?In this engaging, original work, Max Jacobson, one of the authors of the landmark design book A Pattern Language, and Shelley Brock explore these and many other questions as they present a compelling case for the importance of architecture in our day-to-day lives.In Vienna, the circles of radical art and architecture were not distinct, and Hollein'e(tm)s claim that 'e~Everything is Architecture'e(tm) was symptomatic of this intermixing of creative practices.In this one-of-a-kind book, author Julian Davison provides a comprehensive guide to Balinese architectural forms, the Balinese belief system, the rituals associated with building, the materials and construction techniques, and the intricate ornamentation used.She explores the discipline's relationship to painting, and the influence of cartography with its bird's-eye views, topographic sections and perspectives.Written in 1973 but only recently discovered in a private archive, this work extends Lefebvre's influential theory of urban space to the question of architecture.The first chapters explore how economic growth and consumerism shape and are shaped by the professions of architecture, product, and landscape design and how we can understand the problem of consumerism as four main challenges that designers are already addressing.As a comprehensive treatment of all the arts of a single, major dynasty, this book offers something of interest to all scholars and admirers of Islamic art and architecture., This is the first book-length study of the art and architecture of the Fatimids, the Ismaili Shi'i dynasty that ruled in North Africa and Egypt from 909 to 1171.